Change Your Mind to Change Your Life
Australian Mindfulness Academy

Tel: +61 279 085 746
The Science of Mindfulness

Carmel Farnan
By booking your place on an Australian Mindfulness Academy Course you accept and agree to the following:
Payment Policy:
Payment is required in full at the time of booking. A course place can only be secured once full payment is received. This can be done online using credit/debit cards or by phoning our office.
Cancellation Policy:
1. Should you wish to cancel a course booking, provided a full month's notice is given, prior to the course commencement date, the course fee, less a $50 administration fee, will be refunded.
Course Attendance Policy:
1. Recording in any form, of any part of the course is strictly prohibited.
2. The sharing of printed / online course materials is prohibited.
3. Attendance for the full number of course hours is required to obtain the relevant certification, on applicable courses.
4. For attendees who do not hold an existing mental health qualification, our certified courses do not constitute in any form, certification in psychology, psychotherapy or counselling.
5. For non-certified courses attendance for the full number of course hours is necessary to obtain a letter of attendance.